Since 2001, Dianne Porchia, holistic stress reduction expert and spiritual therapist featured in HEAL Documentary (Amazon Prime video Gaia), has been utilizing the principles and practice of mind-body medicine, psychoneuroimmunology, epigenetics,
heart-brain coherence, Somatic Dialogue™ , Sacred Anger Work™, Heart-Soul Centered Communication Skills, effective stress reduction techniques and spiritual practices such as meditation, mindfulness, diaphragmatic breathing and visualization to help her clients achieve integrated balance, health and wellness in all areas of their life - personally, professionally and spiritually.
In addition to teaching effective holistic stress reduction techniques in meditation, mindfulness, diaphragmatic breathing and visualization, Porchia's unique holistic spiritual therapist approach to health and wellness includes personalized techniques in Somatic Dialogue™, Gestalt, inner child healing work, Sacred Anger Work™, compassionate Self-forgiveness, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), transforming an "inner saboteur" voice into an "inner ally" to support goals for health, wellness, love and success.
Porchia specializes in helping clients through BIG life challenges including divorce, death of loved one, anxiety, chronic illness, auto-immune disorders, sexual abuse and cancers.
30% of Porchia's clients are diagnosed with some sort of advance stage cancer, or other life threatening disease.
"I get to witness miracles happen all the time," says Porchia.
Dianne Porchia works with clients from all over the world remotely, creating an energetic atmosphere of love, compassion, safety and confidentiality.
Spiritual therapist Dianne Porchia helps her clients HEAL
from the inside out, getting to the core of limiting beliefs, dis-empowering habits of the past and healing past traumas at the Soul level.
Reducing mental-emotional stress supports immune function for health and wellness and supports creating and maintaining successful loving relationships. Connect with your
Authentic Self and with your Higher Purpose on Earth.
Porchia sees all her clients remotely through
Zoom, WhatsApp & FaceTime.
In-Person sessions with Porchia
are available through her small group workshops, retreats and concierge services which also allow personalized attention.
Workshops, retreats, corporate and concierge services are offered af few times a year at different locations.
Applications accepted now for
Group Classes and Professional Training Courses.
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