Discover the power of holistic wellness with our personalized programs
Discover the power of holistic wellness with our personalized programs
Since 2001, Dianne Porchia works successfully with thousands of clients from all over the world, from all walks of life, cultures, orientations and spiritual beliefs. Her work is based upon universal spiritual principles of health, wellness and living consciously in right relationship to Nature and Mother Earth.
PorchiasWISH holistic health and wellness program teaches essential life skills in heart-soul centered communication that reduce mental emotional stress, support immune function, and create and maintain successful loving relationships personally and professionally.
1- hour individual or couple session with Dianne Porchia on Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp or Phone.
PAY NOW $320
For scheduling date and time click here
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is rapidly changing humanity as we have known it in the past. Dianne Porchia foresees the importance of remaining connected to our natural environment, retaining the ability and place to grow and produce real food and cultivate supportive and collaborative communities.
In keeping with this vision, Porchia is expanding her unique holistic wellness program to include PorchiasWISH™ Eco-Farm Sanctuary –
A Place for the Practice, Study and Education of Regenerative Farming, Eco-Conservation, Health, Wellness and Living in Right Relationship to Nature and Mother Earth.
If you are called to contribute your unique talents, skills and expertise as a Farm Angel to this greater vision for the future of humanity
Contact: dianne@porchiswish.com For More Information
The Eco-Farm Sanctuary is located on 46-acres of farmland outside Eugene, Oregon, and includes five distinct ecosystems: Flat pastureland acreage for pesticide free farming, majestic heritage oak savanna for enjoyment, grounding and inspiration, vital riparian-woodland acreage for nesting animal habitat and wetland acreage with impressive beaver complex for proliferating pollinators and waterways.
It is Dianne Porchia’s intention to gift this legacy family property to the right-fit conservation organization after her lifetime. Porchia is documenting the progress of the Eco-Farm Sanctuary as the vision unfolds in fun little videos you can watch and follow..
Visit Dianne Porchia YouTube Channel “Oregon” Playlist to follow this progress and see the many talented Farm Angels who continue to show up in support of this greater vision.
Healing, Loving & Living Consciously includes living in right relationship to Nature and Mother Earth. Please help rescue baby rhinos who have been orphaned by poachers who kill their mothers. https://www.youtube.com/user/HelpingRhinos/featured
Supporting local charitable organizations in which one lives is one way to make a big difference in positive change in your community. Topanga Women's Circle returns dignity to women and children who are proactively trying to get their lives back together.
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